May 24th Sermon Discussion Questions

Up A Tree Not Necessarily a Bad Place to Be

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  1. Compare the narrative of the rich young ruler (18:18-27, especially 27) to the description of the Zacchaeus in 19:2. The former in the end turned his back on Jesus’s invitation whereas Zacchaeus full heartedly embraced the Lord. What do the different spiritual outcomes illustrate? (verse 18:27) Consider the significance of that for us today in bearing witness to the gospel of Christ in this affluent society?
  2. What is the significance of the word “must” as opposed to “want to in Jesus’s address to Zacchaeus in verse 5?” Do you find any encouragement in that must?
  3. This narrative never explicitly says that Zacchaeus put his faith in Jesus, yet Jesus himself declares that salvation come to his house that very day. Still, his trust in Jesus is obvious in his response to Jesus. What are those evidences? Compare James 2:26. Based on that, how credible are the professions of that huge number of Americans who identify themselves as ‘Christians’?
  4. There are many in contemporary Christian circles who have adopted “helping the poor” as their mission. As laudable as helping the poor and disadvantaged may be, how does that sense of mission compare with what Jesus said was His mission on earth? (verse 10) Think about it: what is the problem with the truncated mission embraced by the ‘Christian’ left wing from a biblical standpoint?
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