Church Website

Church Bulletin

Build, Send, Bring

Welcome, Guests

We are so glad you are with us today. If you are a fellow believer, our earnest hope is that you will be spiritually enriched and edified by your experience here today. And if you are not yet a disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ, our prayer is that today some influence here may draw you toward Christ.

Volunteers are at the Welcome Center to assist you with any needs or questions you may have.

Sermon - Jim Thorp

Partners in the Gospel

Philippians 1:1-11

Word From the Preacher

  1. Introduction
    1. Definition of “home”
    2. Geography of a pencil.
    3. Missions is a partnership
    4. 3 ways to partner in the gospel: Pray, give, send.
  2. Pray: sacrifice your time
    1. Paul’s prayer
    2. Their prayers
    3. The power of prayer
  3. Give: sacrifice your wealth
    1. The Philippians’ giving
    2. God’s pleasure in their gifts
    3. How is missionary giving used today?
  4. Send: sacrifice your talent.
    1. Long-term workers
    2. Short-term workers
  5. Conclusion: Story from the global church

All-Church Announcements


We will be having Baptisms on Sunday, February 16th.

If you are interested in being Baptized please contact David Fielding.

Lake Bible Survey - Open Forum Discussion

You are invited to join us on Sunday, February 16th, at 6:00 PM in the Great Room to discuss the results of the Lake Bible Ministry Mapping Survey in an open forum.

Sam’s Attic Fashion Show Fundraiser

Sam’s Attic Fashion Show Fundraiser to support teachers & students in Uganda. Saturday, March 1st, 10:00 AM. $30 per ticket. Box Lunch included. Advance ticket purchase is required. Clothing & accessories are available to purchase at this event.

Questions – Linda, 503-516-5364.

Adult Bible Fellowship

Sunday Classes

11:00 AM Classes

Jude and 1, 2, 3 John, taught by Sheffields and Davises, in the Marriage Room (Room 232). New study in Jude I—III and John begins zoon.

Philippians, taught by Dan Wilcox (Room 152).

Hebrews, taught by Lucas Howard, (Room 243)

5:00 PM Class

Book of Matthew, taught by Dick Miersma, in the Great Room (Room 238)

This Week at Lake


  • Adult Bible Fellowship Evening Class







  • Lake Men’s Basketball
  • Youth Group Roller Skating
  • Ladies Neighborhood Bible Study

Upcoming Events


16 – Baptism

16 – Meeting to Discuss Lake Bible Survey Results

23 – Communion

23 – Missions Celebration Dinner


1 – Sam’s Attic Fashion Show Fundraiser


4–5 – 2025 NW Baptist Convention Women’s Summit

12 – Journey to the Cross

20 – Easter Service


4 – Mission Auction


14–18 – Vacation Bible School

Children's Ministry

9:30 & 11:00 A.M.

  • Nursery and Toddlers
  • 2’s Through Grade 5 Classes

Children are guided through a 3-year chronological timeline of Bible events pointing to our redemption through Christ.

Help Needed

An Adult teacher’s helper is needed in the 2’s & 3’s class, 9:30, once month. Contact Sharon Van Slyke to be part of this blessing!

Youth Ministry

  • Sunday Mornings at 11:00 AM
  • Guys and Ladies Bible Studies on Tuesday from 6:00 to 8:00 PM

Upcoming Events

Saturday, February 15th, Roller Skating

Sunday, March 9th: Formal Dinner (Historical)

For details contact John Dotson at or 503.915.7577

College and Career Ministry

College & Career Bible Study

Wednesday Night Bible Study: 6:00 – 8:00 PM. Studying 2 Peter. Room 243

Please contact David Fielding at for more information.

Women's Ministry

Women's Retreat CDs

Women’s Retreat CDs from each of Susan Heck’s four sessions are now available in the Resouce Center.

CDs are $2.00 each

Women’s Bible Studies

Heart to Heart

Two study options: Joy From the Upper Room by Pam Gillaspe or Precept on Precept: James. Tuesdays, 10:00 AM.

Register Now

Women in the Word

Discovering Daniel: Finding Our Hope in God’s Prophetic Plan. Authors Amir Tsarfati and Dr. Rick Yohn. Thursdays, 7 PM.

Register Now

Neighborhood Bible Study

On-going study in Galations, on the second and fourth Saturday every month, 5:00–7:30 PM. Dinner is provided.

More Information On Womens’ Studies

Contact Sharon Van Slyke at for additional information.

Men's Ministry

Men’s Bible Study

Truth Matters: Romans. Author Jim Andrews. Thursday Evenings, 7:00 – 8:30 PM. Meets in person and also on Zoom.

Contact John Dotson at for additional information.

Men’s Basketball

Saturday Monings 10:00 to 11:30 AM. Age Group: High school juniors and older (for safety, maturity, and competitive reasons).

Marriage Ministry

Marriage Moment

One pitfall in marriage that can prevent you from the closeness, respect and understanding you need is called “stonewalling” and it’s where you may shut down and pull away. Your spouse may hear, “I don’t care about your thoughts or feelings”, so instead try saying, ”I don’t know what to say to make this better, I’m afraid if I keep talking I will.” These little moves may improve harmony in your relationship.

1 Corinthians 1:10 “I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought.”

Giving Summary

Giving to Date

Last Week

Budgeted Contributions $19,808
Contributions Received $14,955
Contribution Shortfall -$4,853

Fiscal Year-to-Date

Budgeted Contributions $633,856
Contributions Received $671,527
Contributions Surplus $37,671

Thank you for your faithfulness.

Mission Ministry

Mission Celebration Dinner

Missions Celebration Dinner – Sunday February 23rd at 5:30 PM

The Mission Committee invites you to join us for dinner and to hear updates on the Missionaries that Lake Bible supports.

Sign up sheets are in the narthex.


Jesus’s parting words to his disciples were to, “Go and make disciples of all nations…” The first step for someone to become a disciple of Jesus Christ, is for them to hear about Jesus: Who he is, what he has done, and what difference believing in him can make in that person’s life. If sharing the Gospel is so important, why is it so difficult?

We often fear failure and rejection. We fear that if we share Christ and they do not come to Christ, we have failed. Jesus assures our hearts by telling us that, “All those the Father has given me, will come to me…” We can be comforted that it is our LORD alone who saves. Our joy is found in obeying His call to share, the results are up to him.

We understand that some may aim their rejection at the messenger as well as the message, therefore making the feeling of rejection personal. To share Christ is a risk indeed, but to be rejected for sharing Christ gives us an opportunity to share in our LORD’s suffering. They rejected him long before they ever rejected you.

Jesus understands our fear, but in keeping with the theme of our mission celebration month Let us Fear Not and Follow Jesus by sharing Him with others.

Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you…

Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.”

1 Corinthians 15:1, 3-4
“We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.” 2 Corinthians 5:20

Stay Connected

Update Contact Information

Has your email address changed recently? Have you just moved? Did you change jobs or cell phone numbers? We would like to update our records. Please send personal contact information to Stacy Olson ( or call 503.699.9840

Prayer Ministry

Monthly Prayer Meeting

Join us 7:00 PM on the first Friday of the month in the Prayer Room (Room 153). Contact: Email Kent Robinson or phone 503.330.2056

Church Prayer Chain

To join the church prayer chain, contact the office at 503.699.9840, or email Stacy Olson at

Submit Prayer Request

Connect Online

Sermon Podcast

Available on iTunes and via our searchable Sermon Podcast Archive.

YouTube Channel

Video of recent sermons and a live feed of the 9 AM service can be found on Lake’s YouTube Channel.

Pastors and Staff

Contact US

Meet the staff of Lake Bible Church. Contact information as well as basic biographical information for our pastors, directors, and staff is available.