December 20th Sermon Discussion Questions

Christmas Revisited: Beyond the Secular Noise

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  1. Many believers are distressed about how successfully secularists have stripped Christ from Christmas. Actually there is an opportunity there to reinstate the observance of His birth. How so?
  2. In announcing the supernatural conception of the Savior’s birth to Mary, then to Joseph we find embedded in the blessing a considerable burden. What were the respective burdens (for Mary and Joseph) and what does that tell us about God’s ways?
  3. What does the name ‘Jesus’ mean?
  4. How would you answer the person who claims a high moral standing (i.e. “I am a good person. Therefore, I don’t need Christ.”)? The rebuttal (in the form of a question) to that self-righteous opinion of oneself is implicit in this passage. What is the natural question to ask such a person?
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