
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.Ephesians 4:2-3 NLT

Our goal at Agape Marriage is to produce stronger families through His Word, His Spirit and His people. We view marriage as the most important relationship we will have in our lifetime, outside of our relationship with Christ. Because of this, our desire is to encourage, foster, and build up healthy marriages that reflect His grace and glorify God’s kingdom.

About Us

It’s our desire to build thriving Marriages and that all married couples would enjoy the gift of their spouse and have fun together! If you would like to connect and engage with other couples or get involved, there’s a place for you here. We’d love to see every couple participate in Agape Marriage, using it as a piece of their walk with Christ. We welcome you if: Lake is your church home, you have a home church or you’re looking for one! If you desire to grow in your faith and your marriage with us…welcome!

Current Classes and Programs

Agape Marriage Podcast

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Agape Marriage Podcast on iTunesAgape Marriage Podcast on SoundCloud