Lake Bible Church actively supports a number of mission outreaches with the truth of Jesus Christ to those who believe and to those who do not and in either case to glorify the Lord of the Universe!!! If you are interested in participating in any of these ministries or in future short-term mission outreaches, please contact Jim Thwing at jt@lakebible.org or 971-244-2341 to discuss your interests.
External Mission Outreaches
Following is a listing of local and external mission outreaches supported in part by Lake Bible Church and its members:
- Association of Baptists for World Evangelism
- The Final Word Radio (Jim Andrews, Senior Pastor, Lake Bible Church): jima@lakebible.org
- Good Samaritan Ministries (Pastor Osborn Muyanja): gsmuganda@yahoo.com
- Mission India (Mission India Organization, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49514)
- Northwest Bible Training Center: nwbtc@hotmail.com
- Northwest Baptist Convention (3200 NE 109th Ave, Vancouver, WA 98682): www.nwbaptist.org
- Pastor Elias Ramirez, Sublime Grace Church, Oaxaca, Mexico: eliasramgram@hotmail.com
- Rio Grande Bible Institute (Milton & Vicky Morocho): mmorocho@riogrande.edu
- Transitions (John Dotson): johnd@lakebiblechurch.com
- Faithful Friends (Jim Thwing): johnd@lakebiblechurch.com
Local Mission Outreaches
- Angel Tree Ministries: joydobroth@yahoo.com
- Awana: robinforsyth2@gmail.com
- Bridge Prison Ministries: farleyueoka@yahoo.com
- Sam’s Attic Thrift Store: simpsonmac@msn.com
- International Fellowship Group: jt@lakebible.org
- Operation Christmas Child: jt@lakebible.org
- Vacation Bible School:
- The Journey to Bethlehem: jt@lakebible.org
- Union Gospel Mission: jt@lakebiblechurch.org