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Date Speaker Primary Text Sermon Information
Jul 21, 2024
Jim Andrews, Pastor
John 20:1-20
The Hinge of History

Without the resurrection of Jesus Christ, nothing matters. Life as we know it is “a comedy of the absurd,” a lot of motion without meaning, passion without purpose or sweat without significance. All our striving is so much useless smoke.

Jul 14, 2024
Jim Andrews, Pastor
John 19:19-30
“It is finished!”

The Lord never starts a work He does not finish, no matter how many obstacles or opponents stand in the way. If He drew you to Christ, He will keep you in Christ.

Jul 7, 2024
John Dotson
Philippians 1:18-26
Is Jesus Enough?

When John D. Rockefeller, oil tycoon and the world’s first billionaire, was asked, “How much is enough?” He replied, “Just a little bit more.” My question for us today is this: if you lost everything, would Jesus be enough? The Apostle Paul, arrested and in prison, seemed to have lost everything. In reality, he had lost nothing because Jesus defined His life. Therefore, Paul’s life, his very existence, was for Jesus and was like Jesus. This living relationship with His savior defined his life. Is Jesus a part of your life, or is He your life? For me, to live is Christ. Is Jesus enough?

Jun 30, 2024
David Fielding
John 14:15-24
You can love me now!

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