February 15th Sermon Discussion Questions

Truth to Light Our Fires

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  1. What does the first clause in John 6:37 mean? What is one other Scripture (mentioned this morning) that illuminates it? See also Acts 13:48
  2. We sometimes fret about this or that keeping people from coming to Christ and it is true that sometimes, through our own failures or shortcomings, we drop the ball and give people excuses for turning their backs on Him. But in verse 37 what reassurance do we have that God will always “get His man (or woman),” despite errors on the human side of the equation?
  3. Suppose someone uses the sovereign choice of God (see verse 37) to evade responsibility for not accepting Christ on the grounds they may not be one of those “given to Jesus.” How can you rebut that invalid excuse (see verses 37 and 40 as well as elsewhere)?
  4. What do we find in this passage that delivers us from the burden of depending on our skills or knowledge or charisma in bringing men and women to Christ? See verse 47
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