November 8th Sermon Discussion Questions

Poor Yet Rich!

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  1. Explain what these introductory self-descriptions of our Lord in the letters to the seven church are all about (i.e. how they function in general). What is the intent of this introduction in regard to the church at Smyrna?
  2. How can God’s people, sometimes penniless and powerless, be described honestly as “poor yet rich”?
  3. The church at Smyrna was between a rock and a hard place. Explain historically the twin pressures they were up against in living out their faith in their city.
  4. How may current day believers feel ‘between a rock and a hard place’ in maintaining faithfulness to Christ?
  5. For those who are victorious in the race of faith, two promises (10, 11) are given by Christ to encourage stout-heartedness. What are they and what do they mean?
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