
An Evening for Women

May 19th, 7:00 PM, $10

Dessert | Fellowship | Devotion: Why We Need Each Other

Have you ever wished you had someone special to reach out to? Maybe you’ve wanted to be on the receiving end of a sweet friendship or yearned to be part of something bigger than yourself. Scripture says we are not meant to walk through life in solitude but in relationship – encouraging, coming alongside, caring for and sharing in the lives of others. As women, most of us enjoy a bit of mingling and that’s just what our May 19th event, Fla-Mingle, is all about. Whether you’re put-together, frazzled, or a little quirky that’s part of the charm that makes you, you! Set aside this time to be encouraged and refreshed as we share a relaxed evening around God’s Word. We need each other.

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