January 4th Sermon Discussion Questions

Anxiety: Stumbling Stone or Stepping Stone?

Text: 1 Samuel 13:1-14

  1. Looking back on your own circumstances (recently or distantly), do you recall situations where you stood at the crossroads between choosing faith or fear? Care to share?
  2. Look up Philippians 4:6. Being fully human, it is impossible for disciples to be anxiety-free zones. Some things we face are ultra threatening. Still, this biblical exhortation imparts effective counsel for keeping anxiety under control. Discuss.
  3. In this narrative, the action of King Saul when he surrendered to fear is not something in its historical particulars we would ever replicate. Yet, in principle we need to ask, what did Saul in his overwhelming anxiety do that we ourselves might also repeat when we allow anxiety to pull aside faith?
  4. How can we subdue the temptation?
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