March 28th Sermon Discussion Questions

Food for Thought for Disciples, True and False

Text: Luke 12:1-12

  1. How would you define a hypocrite? How would you define a person of integrity?
  2. When as disciples we are being persecuted, either openly or subtly, what is the temptation? What is a good way to defeat that temptation? (4-7)
  3. In their outside life in the world, some professing Christians are prone to strike their colors when they face heat or blow back from hostile parties whereas others walk tall. How will that play out in the end? (8-9)
  4. How did the pastor explain the unpardonable sin? (10)
  5. Humble saints being confronted by power figures can be intimidating and we may fear swallowing our tongues in such a situation. What does Jesus promise that should relieve our fears if we are ever confronted by that circumstance? (11-12)
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