May 29th Sermon Discussion Questions

The Great Counterfeiter

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  1. What is the overarching lesson of the Book of Revelation?
  2. For us who follow Christ, what is the great advantage to know what is coming down the pike in the form of the Great Tribulation at some future point?
  3. How should the revelation pertaining to the Great Tribulation elevate our hope and enlarge our comfort zone heading into the future? (2 Thessalonians 1:3-12)
  4. What biblical principles explain why the Anti-Christ, who will cruelly dominate the global scene for the last half of the Tribulation period, will so easily seduce all but God’s people during that time? (see John 3:19-21 and 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11)
  5. In the symbolism of Revelation, the dragon, the first beast and the second beast, we see a Great Counterfeit. What exactly is the Great Counterfeit? And what does Satan’s counterfeiting activity in the Tribulation period implicitly warn us to be alert for in our present day?
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